Making the decision about primary school to take your child can be a daunting experience if you do not start early. You need to bear in mind that your child will spend a lot of their formative years in primary school, so you have to get it right if you want them to be happy. Some of the things to consider are:
Priority Areas
Children are not equal even with their special needs. There are some who will need more attention while others can easily blend in a regular class. You first need to understand the extent of the child’s needs, and what the priority areas are. For instance, are you looking for a school where they will develop better social skills? Maybe you want a primary school that focuses on exploring their academic potential. It is you to decide based on what you feel will work for the child.
Mainstream/Special School
You can either take the child to a mainstream primary school that has classes for children with disabilities. Some have integrated lessons with the awareness that the children need extra attention. You can also go to a special school that is dedicated to taking care of children with special needs. There have been challenges in special schools in recent times, but most of them have qualified and experienced teachers who know how to handle individual children.
Experience of Other Parents
Talk to parents whose children have special needs. Ask them for reviews of the school you are planning to go to. You can also ask them to give you recommendations based on their experiences. Take your time and consult with as many people as possible.
Once you have settled on a few options, make it a point to visit those schools. Take note of the mood of the children in the compound, and the general attitude of the administrators when it comes to handling children with special needs.